22-24 January 2023
Balkan Map

Miroslav Bojić

Mayor of Laktasi

Miroslav Bojić was born in 1983, married and the father of two children. He is a graduate agricultural engineer by profession, currently studying for a master's degree, and has many years of experience in the profession. He has over ten years of experience in the public administration sector. Until 2020, he held the positions of assistant minister and adviser to the minister in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Srpska.

During this period, he underwent numerous professional trainings in the region, Europe and America, in cooperation with USAID, WTO, European Commission, and a number of scientific research institutions and organizations. Miroslav participated in trainings and conferences in the fields of safety and improvement of food and animal feed production, improvement of livestock breeds, improvement of the quality of life in rural areas, gained rich experience in the field of establishment and strengthening of agricultural and rural counseling, and took part in the preparation of IPARD sector analyses in BiH.

Mr. Bojic is an exceptionally respected member of his local community, and has been a member of the management boards of public companies and public sports clubs for many years.

Miroslav has been serving as the Mayor of the City of Laktasi since December 2020.