![Ivanov Dimitrov](/img/participants/CARNOBAT.jpg)
Gueorgui Ivanov Dimitrov
Mayor of Karnobat
Gueorgui Dimitrov, Republic of Bulgaria
Mayor of Karnobat Municipality for a fourth term in office
English Language High School
Higher education - Master degree in "Bulgarian Philology"
Higher partisan political education
Specialization in Management, The Hague, Netherlands
Public activity:
Member of the Management Board of the National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria (NAMRB) - fourth term in office
Member of the Monitoring Committee under Operational Program "Human Resources Development" - third term in office
Member of the Management Board of the State Enterprise "Management and Administration of Dams"
Co-Chairman of the Strategic Board of the Territorial Strategy Program (Interreg VI-A) Bulgaria Turkey 2021-2027
Award for Active socially responsible policy and overall contribution to social development. Presented by the National Alliance for Social Responsibility
Award for Contribution to the development of social dialogue and partnership and caring for the people. Awarded by the Regional Council of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria
Distinction for the Overall Contribution to the Development of the National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria"/NAMRB/