Milena Zheleva
Deputy Mayor of Stara Zagora
Stoyanova – Zheleva, Milena Ivanova since 02/01 /2020 is the Deputy mayor “Culture, tourism and youth activities” of Municipality of Stara Zagora.
During these years of work experience in the Municipality of Stara Zagora she has been working in the Municipal council as a:
(07 / 11 / 2019 – 20 / 12 / 2019)
- Vice Chairman of the Permanent Commission on education, science and children rights’ protection
- Member of the Permanent Commission on operational programmes and international cooperation
(27 / 11 / 2015 – 30 / 10 / 2019)
- Chairman of the Permanent Commission on culture, tourism and religion
- Member of the Permanent Commission on European integration and international cooperation
(2009 – 02 / 01 / 2020)
- Public relations” expert and manager
On “Press centre” for the region of Stara Zagora
During her career, has been working as a journalist and reporter for the Newspapers “Natsionalna biznes poshta” and “7 dni Stara Zagora”.
With regard to professional qualifications, Stoyanova – Zheleva got a Master degree in Media communications (2012) and a Master degree in Slavic philology (2011) at University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”, Bulgaria.