Filip Zoričić
Mayor of Pula Filip Zoričić (1982.) profesor mentor hrvatskoga jezika i književnosti i povijesti, doktor interdisciplinarnih humanističkih znanosti. Doktorirao na temu ideje i života Vlade Gotovca. Obnašao je dužnost ravnatelja Gimnazije Pula, predsjednik je udruge Institut Mediteran i osnivač Memo muzeja u Puli. Član akademije za politički razvoj vijeća Europe, član Matice hrvatske, Instituta Vlado Gotovac, Istarskog povijesnog društva, Alumni američkog udruženja za mlade političke lidere (ACYPL), potpredsjednik Udruge poslodavaca u obrazovanju pri HUP-u, član Udruge hrvatskih srednjoškolskih ravnatelja. Obnašao je dužnost nezavisnog vijećnika u mjesnom odboru Stari grad Pula. Oženjen i otac dvoje djece.
PhD Filip Zoričić (1982) is professor mentor of Croatian language and literature and history. He has a PhD in interdisciplinary humanities. He obtained his PhD degree with a thesis on the ideas and life of Vlado Gotovac. He was a principal of the Pola Gymnasium, president of the association "Istitut Mediteran" and is the founder of the Memo museum in Pula. He is a member of the Academy for Political Development of the Council of Europe, member of the Croatian cultural institution "Matica hrvatska", of the Institute Vlado Gotovac and of the Historical Society of Istria. Alumni of the American Association for Young Political Leaders (ACYPL), Vice President of the Association of Employers in Education at the Croatian Employers' Association(HUP), member of the Association of Croatian School Principals. He was an independent councilor at the local committee “Stari grad” in Pula. He is married and father of two children.